Defining Your Clothing Line Part 3

Defining Your Clothing Line Part 3  . . Who are you as a designer? This has to be one of the most important questions a fashion designer can be asked. That question presents you the designer with an opportunity to sell the inquirer on you as a fashion designer and not just on your clothing line alone. You should have premeditated honest answers prepared. The reason I state your answers should be premeditated, is because it will enhance the probability of you answering questions clearly and professionally. Rather you’re responding in front of an audience or in front of video cameras. Both situations can stimulate a bit of unexpected pressure. As a method of defining your clothing line, this is a question you must answer early on. .  . Interviewing on camera can be a very tricky thing, and sometimes an interview can happen randomly. For example, let’s say you are attending a fashion event and the media large or small is present, even if the...
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